Waking up

I never really paid attention to waking up until recently.  The more I think about it, the smaller details I notice, and the stranger waking up seems to become.  At first I always thought that waking up would be like the fuzzy sound of a speaker warming up.  Maybe the feel of slowly approaching my body and reattaching.  However, the more I look at it, the more binary it seems.  One moment I am not there, and the next I’m awake.  There seems to be no boundry between the two.  I don’t know if this is normal, since I’ve never really thought to ask someone what it feels like to wake up.  Maybe it doesn’t really feel like anything, and you just ‘wake up’.  The more time I look at this, the more it seems to be an important clue.  Something between the moment of being asleep and the moment of being awake has to represent a change of some sort.

This should be the start of my journey to wake up.  Maybe there are a million types of these transition states that happen every day, and I’ve never noticed them before now.  It could be that I’ve been switching between them, and just not aware. I hope to notice more of these, and piece apart the layers between waking and sleeping. Between laying and standing, moving and standing still.