Pushed apart and rebuilt

I fell asleep again. It was an odd sensation. The humming I have been hearing in my head, somewhere behind me, increased. Not in volume, but in vibration. Somehow, the frequency increased, like someone was strumming a wire, and had shortened the period between waves of the wire. It was faster, but not speed like how often. It was like pieces of sound were being shoved behind my head over and over. Normally, it fades into the background silence, but now it was so easy to here. I couldn’t help but notice it. It didn’t stay at the same pitch either. It varied and changed. The volume never went anywhere, but I could barely think of anything else.

Then, something odd happened. I don’t know how to describe it. It was like pieces of my brain was being broken into chunks. Not like a memory was being removed, but broken into a distinct piece, and then moved somewhere. I don’t know what somewhere means, or what is happening that makes me think this is really happening. I kept feeling it happen again and again though. Never the same size of memory being moved. It felt like a line was drawn around a block of my mind, and then someone placed it somewhere. I could still remember the memory though. So I wasn’t losing anything I think. Where though was my memory going? Or was it going anywhere. I know it started when the noise speed up it’s humming.

The humming seemed to be quicker when the memory moved. It has stopped now. I was so relieved when the sound lowered, and fell asleep immediately. It was like I had been awake for days and weeks. Then the steady sound was back, and my mind blanked out. I don’t think I dreamed at all when I was asleep. That isn’t usual for me, but I was so relieved that the odd vibration increases had stopped. Anything was better than that feeling of being cut apart. My mind moved to somewhere. Though now that I am awake again, my head seems clearer. I seem to be thinking better than I have been for a long time, but I don’t know why that is.

Something also that I noticed when I woke up. I think my room is bigger than it was. I don’t know that I can tell for certain. I can’t see all of it from where I am laying in my bed, but I think it has grown. It also seems clearer, if that makes sense. I don’t know what glasses would be like, but it makes me think that I didn’t have my glasses on, and they are on my face now. Everything looks crisper, and the outlines seem finer around the edges of things. How could the room get bigger like this? Can a room expand without changing? I’m so tired now, and I know I just woke up.