Tincture and slow drip

It didn’t make sense. It wasn’t like everything before it, and I don’t know what to do with it. I keep saying that it didn’t make sense, and it still doesn’t make sense. I want the sound to stop. It is slowly, creeping into my mind. The same songs, and the same sounds. Over and over it plays in my mind. It is a resonant noise, almost like a pipe organ being held down at a high note. Where you can hear the rush of the air over the valve in the pipe. The edges of current holding onto the metal inside. Just a slight breath of discord in the sound. Why won’t the note leave. Why is this the sound that I wake up to and fall back to sleep with? Where did the dream come from that brought this into my mind.

The dream was normal for the most part. One of the dreams where I am inside of someone, like I am riding behind a persons eyes. I am not really doing anything but watching the action play out around me. I can’t even move where my eyes turn. Just passively watching this scene play out around me. This was some sort of group that had arrested some people. They had the men and woman outside of a hotel room. The other people with me were going through the room with me. They weren’t really doing anything particular in the room, except picking through the other peoples things. They were pulling suits out of the closets and shoes from the floor. Everyone was commenting on the clothes these people had, and the quality of everything in the room. It seemed like they were supposed to be doing some type of inventory, or cataloging. None of that was happening. I remember putting on a suit coat, and commenting on the soft lining. I left it on, and went into another room.

The room next door was empty. Well empty of other people, on the tabletops, there was lined up a jewelry store worth of gems and jewels. So many different types of jewelfy all laid out like someone had been shopping. I don’t know anything about jewels or things like this, but the person i was riding in did. He knew what he was looking at, and I got an impression that he was really taken aback by all of the things he was seeing. My eyes caught on something laying on the table. Something that pulled at me.

It was an orange stone, the color of carnelian, orange like fire burning hot. But it wasn’t shaped like normal carnelian stones. It was like a quartz point. Sharp and distinct. It was about one inch long and half an inch thick. Set in a pendant on a silver chain. It was bright. So much brighter than anything else in the room. Like someone had lit up a spotlight inside of the stone itself. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. I remember my body started to walk towards the stone. It was like a tunnel had formed. Something that cut off the rest of the room, and the sounds of the other people in the next room. The more the room got dark, the more the gemstone got brighter. It was almost blinding, but also soothing and calm. I could see my hand reaching out for it. That is when the note sounded.

It was slow at first, and quiet. Then it rose and rose and rose. Until my mind shattered, and I fell out of the dream. It wasn’t like waking up is normally for me. This was a crackling awake. Instead of waking up from the dream, it was falling out of the dream. Like a windowpane shattering. But one that is parallel with the ground, and doesn’t fall when it breaks. Just the sound of cracking, and that note in my head. It has been here ever since. I don’t know how long. I can’t remember how many days, but the note has been playing. I don’t know if it is in my head, or in this room. It just is there. It won’t stop.